Loading content with AJAX link, anywhere

There are different methods and bunch of modules to ajaxify links in drupal. There are different solutions with code, like this one
and there are more simple I would add, like this one

I used variation of the codekarate tutorial. To put my AJAX link anywhere. I used template, to be more precise I added a custom form element in rendered array. Like this

$content['helpful-comments'] = array(
  '#type' => 'link',
  '#title' => t('Most helpful first'),
  '#href' => 'comments/helpful/nojs/' . $node->nid,
  '#ajax' => array(
    'effect' => 'fade',

Then I rendered that print render($content['helpful-comments']) to get full AJAX link.
And added that link to menu items in custom module

  $items['comments/helpful/%/%'] = array( 
    'title' => 'Ajax test callback',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'page callback' => 'my_module_custom_comments_callback',
    'page arguments' => array(1,2,3),
    'access arguments' => array('access content'),

(dont forget to clear cache here, menu cache needs to be cleared)

Then In custom module function I did my actions. I loaded view with views_embed_view and added that content on proper div
with ajax_command_replace. Works like charm.

 * Ajax callback to display the current time.
function my_module_custom_comments_callback($url, $ajax, $nodeid) {

  if ($ajax == 'ajax') {
    // Check which view are we dealing with
    if ($url == "helpful"){
      $view = "entity_view_1";
      $class = "comments-most-helpful";
    else if ($url == "newest"){
      $view = "entity_view_2";
      $class = "comments-newest";
    // Create content variable
    $content = views_embed_view('product_reviews', $view, $nodeid);

    // Standard Ajax thing
    $commands = array();
    // Ajax command to replace the #ajax-display element with the current time.
    $commands[] = ajax_command_replace('.' . $class, "
" . $content . "

// Add a visual "changed" marker to the '#ajax-display' element.
$commands[] = ajax_command_changed('.' . $class);
// Menu 'page callback' and #ajax['callback'] functions are supposed to
// return render arrays. If returning an Ajax commands array, it must be
// encapsulated in a render array structure.
ajax_deliver(array('#type' => 'ajax', '#commands' => $commands));