Set the default address on shipping information with smart IP, refresh whole form to have proper counties(administrative area)

The title says it all :) add this to your module, into hook_form_alter and rock

   //verify that this is not an ajax request, otherwise country changes will not be able to change the administrative_area information. 
  //in otherwise, let this section only happen once, and let ajax make changes as expected
  if (!(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest')) {
  if ($form_id == 'commerce_checkout_form_checkout') {
    //If the user does not save the address , according to the National smart_ip to detect
    if (module_exists('smart_ip')) {
      if (isset($form['customer_profile_shipping'])) {
        if (!isset($form['customer_profile_shipping']['addressbook'])) {
          $location_data = smart_ip_get_current_visitor_location_data();
          if (isset($location_data['country_code'])) {
            // Add county or whatever else is needed to show other counties and states
            $form['customer_profile_shipping']['commerce_customer_address']['und'][0]['#address']['country'] = $location_data['country_code'];

// Block of code below will refresh the whole form and add the proper Country and the counties etc
 //create a new default addressfield to use, which will use the default values country as the default country, as opposed to the servers default
            module_load_include('inc', 'addressfield', 'plugins/format/address');
            $address_info = array();
            $address_info['country'] =   $location_data['country_code'];
            $default = addressfield_default_values(array($address_info['country']=>$address_info['country']));

        //where all of the data will be stored when function is called
            $format = array();

        //required by addressfield_format_address_generate, and returns the content as rendered
            $context = array('mode' => 'render');
            addressfield_format_address_generate($format, $default, $context);

        //new defaults and administrative_area have been generated. set these values to the already built form
            $form['customer_profile_shipping']['commerce_customer_address']['und'][0]['locality_block'] = $format['locality_block'];
