Why drupaldump
Over the last few years, intensively using Drupal I have done many custumization to various parts of Drupal. The problem was that once i did that after some time i forgot the details and also where did i do it. Is it template.php is it custom module, is it contemplate, is it JQuery code etc. I always had to search through my code, through my drupal profile and issues and trying to find and remember how its solved so i dont have to do it again.
Solution is here!
Well I hope so (-: , often i wanted to have all of this in one place and dreamed of my site//blog where i can put this for mine and use of others. Well I finally got time to do it. Hopeing the end result will be useful and others maybe also join in with their drupal dumps. To start off, I'll write how did i built this site, which method i used so You can learn from experiences and mistakes.
Getting Started
Most of the text on this site will be about getting things done and getting them done fast! So to have a faster working enviroment you should at least have VPS hosting if not Dedicated or Cloud solution (i tried many shared hostings with drupal and they are just too slow, Hostgator and ANHosting included). Then you'll probably have to learn a thing or two about linux and command line and login it with putty client. I'll skip this part and assume you know it and go to drushing the drupal :-)
So lets write some code on our VPS. I logged in as user with sufficent privileges (try root user if you are new to this) and went to my /srv/www/ directory to install Drush and then we go.
mkdir drush;
cd drush;
wget http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drush-7.x-4.4.tar.gz;
tar -zxvf drush-7.x-4.4.tar.gz; rm drush-7.x-4.4.tar.gz;
To ease the use of drush, create a link to drush in a directory that is in your PATH, e.g.: $ ln -s /path/to/drush/drush /usr/local/bin/drush OR add the folder that contains drush to your PATH,PATH=$PATH:/path/to/drush (This goes into .profile, .bash_aliases or .bashrc in your home folder. NOTE: You must log out and then log back in again or re-load your bash configuration file to apply your changes to your current session: $ source .bashrc)
So what we did here is make drush directory, entered it, got drush file(latest at that time) untar it and removed tar, then added drush and made it globally executable with few lines.