As it is often referred online as "new selenium IDE 2019" lets sum up some tips how to use it. It can record your actions and put them in its UI, but you will often need to change it and refine it to get something useful.
As it is often referred online as "new selenium IDE 2019" lets sum up some tips how to use it. It can record your actions and put them in its UI, but you will often need to change it and refine it to get something useful.
If you used google pagespeed and got "Enable Text Compression" you will fix this with uncommenting this lines in your nginx.config (or adding them)
Not many tutorials cover this often used practices in drupal 8, so check the differences betweeen self and this
I was wondering how PHP gets compiled to OpCodes and how does that all work, there is a nice post that talks about OpCode caching in general (a bit outdated now) and also gives a good example of how php code is tokenized for OpCode
Reading docs about drupal_add_js you might think you can add JS to header of html, but only thing you can choose is header or footer of your theme (as region), to add JS to header tag, you need to use
In this post I will determine how many DB tables does each option you choose make.
Lets start with NODE, make a basic node, with just title and body, when we enter data for it, it will populare 6 tables.
1. node
2. node_revision
3. node__body
4. node_revision__body
5. node_field_data
6. node_field_revision
Just go here and check how to do that…
also for drupal 7 dont use drush 9 with drush launcher as it is useless and most of the useful functions you had are gone in drush 9.
In many online tutorials you will find just few lines like
server {
return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;
but actually you need much more, you need to include SSL certificates, otherwise you will get message about insecure site so you should have this
Type this to auto format a messed up file when editing with VIM
So, gg
to get the start of the file, =
to indent, G
to the end of the file, gg=G
You'll want to edit /etc/hostname
with your new hostname, so just go and change it and then update your /etc/hosts with localhost your-new-hostname