So lets fix this really not intuitive UX for drupal console and how to install it.
So what you need to do as of 2018 is to have drupal console installed per project, so we will use composer to do that, lets write
So lets fix this really not intuitive UX for drupal console and how to install it.
So what you need to do as of 2018 is to have drupal console installed per project, so we will use composer to do that, lets write
If you have a problem where you have LEMP Stack (Nginx instead of apache) and you get 404 on all pages but front you probably need to change one line in your "/sites-enabled/your-iste" file. So lets open this nginx file that defines virtual block and change the part under "location" directive from
If you are having problems with installing composer on your dedicated server try it like this
sudo curl -s | php
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
also check if you have openssl enabled as extension in your php.ini (this depends on php version)
This is tutorial how to setup a drupal 7 site with git but without putting drupal core into git, reason is that you don't need it in git unless you are patching core. As drupal core is always the same and updated with drush, version control is not needed at least there is a stream of opinion that goes into that direction. So what do you do, you only put sites folder into git.
For drupal 8 you will probably use more complex framework with composer at leas but for drupal 7 you still might use drush just to download drupal core. So to do that into the current directory you are at, use this command
drush dl drupal-7.x --drupal-project-rename="../${PWD##*/}" -y
It will overrun everything you have in that directory.
This is old problem for mostly drupal newbies but I see its not explained properly what should be best practice.
So to do this properly you should
I wont get into how to make custom tokens in drupal 8, look here for that info
Originally you would just put some kind of value like this and have it as plain string
In drupal 8 for logging we use logger service, to log array data in some readable format, you should use little hack like in drupal 7 adding html code and print_r to array.
For this to understand you will need to already have installed and running PhantomJS, how to do that please read here.
With that you will need to run it, open your terminal and write this to make it start
With drush driver for behat you will have some more power, basically drush power to do things. So to make out first drush test, you will need to bring some change in behat.yml file and change some lines.