When you enable, or dissable commenting in drupal, you will only affect new nodes, there is no bulk action for this in core (but it should be in my opinion, not every damn useful functionality does have to be in separate module). There are few ways to do it, some proper way would be to built action and then run VBO on nodes, but this is the most time consuming for sure.
Recently I had a site with +30 000 images, they were all in default drupal folder /files and ofcourse this started to make problems for my server but also if I wanted to manually do something, delete a file or use it this made that directroy unusable. So filefield paths (which should be in core) helps here.
Just go to your ssh client and run
chown -R someuser:somegroup public_html/
Making it accessible to drupal you would probably run
chown -R www-data:www-data files/
Migrating drupal site from one server to other could be easy and fast task, then again if not prepared you could run into many problems and have lots of work.
There are many tutorials how to setup memcache, but many are also old and have things you don't really need.
You can find here updated tutorial for that…
You can manipulate your users and databases with SSH access, but then again its nicer and easier on the brain to make it trough visual interface (for most, some will probably work it faster in prompt). But for that you still need to install phpmyadmin through lines of SSH access.
When importing data you will probably be extracting or unpacking a tarball File
To unpack or extract a tar file, type:
tar -xvf file.tar
To save disk space and bandwidth files are saved using compression program such as gzip or bzip2. To extract / unpack a .tar.gz (gzip) file, enter (note -z option):
If you need to archive your files and you want to exclude some folders, for example "files" folder or some subfolders of files. You can use gzip for it
tar --exclude=sites/default/files/* --exclude=cache/* -cf file.tar . && gzip file.tar
And you will have a nice zip archive without folders you maybe don't want to transfer.
If you have some stackscript, like you might have on VPS like Linode, where you have automaticly installed some linux distribution like Debian, and then Apacher, PHP and MySQL are also installed, this will not work out of the box, you will still need to add some extra stuff on your VPS so you could install some drupal sites.