Drupal Dump

Drupal Snippets, Hacks and more....

495 posts since 2011


Building a node with viewfield cck and need some setup tips? Viewfield provides great setup options, you can set default values and also send any token value to it %nid, %tid etc. But sometimes you will need to make some extra code for passing arguments.

CKEditor and IMCE file button

You installed your CKEditor and IMCE but there is only image dialogue on your node edit screen and you want to add plain file link.

Mass Email, Group Email or Newsletter

Thinking of implementing mass email to Drupal as you want to sent emails to your registered user? There are several options you could go with.

Taxonomy node module - Term View problem

If you are using Taxonomy Node to have additiona data for your taxonomy you are in for supprise if you go to term page and see "There are currently no posts in this category." message. Other then this, module works fine. To solve this problem, use views and activate default taxonomy_term view and make some eddits.