If you are getting something like
If you are getting something like
To get all method names you can run on any field added to any entity, input this into devel/php
There are 2 system in drupal 7 for IP blocking, one is flood blocking that is used on login and other is
system_block_ip_action that is storing IP's in blocked_ips table and checking them while bootstrapping.
drush ev 'cache_set("foo", "bar", "cache");'
drush ev '$x = new MemCacheDrupal("cache"); print_r($x->get("foo"));'
snippet to check if memcache is working.
This problem with access permissions has become common in latest versions of Mac OS, you need to give permissions to apps (executables) so they can do/use stuff on your disk/computer. Most of the times you will get a prompt for asking/checking this but sometimes this will quietly fail.
You fixed something in contrib module and you want to create quick patch from that, if it spans through multiple commits, best way to do that is to make a patch from multiple commits, to combine them into one file, write this
So you have and order, but don't know how to get to payments that are referencing this order, there are few ways you can achieve that. First is to load it by properties
$payments = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('commerce_payment')->loadByProperties(['order_id' => $order->id()]);
second is to load them by order
To have shared history between sessions in terminal I use this settings so that history is appended to each new window I open
I needed to manipulate some text output from JS function, to do that we need to create DOM element from that output. So what you can do is
Good article on all aspects of GIT https://dev.to/unseenwizzard/learn-git-concepts-not-commands-4gjc