To start docker sync in foreground and see what is actually synching use this
docker-sync start --foreground
to do one time synch, use this
docker-sync sync
To start docker sync in foreground and see what is actually synching use this
docker-sync start --foreground
to do one time synch, use this
docker-sync sync
To re roll broken patch here are the steps, we will use commerce_stripe module as example,
To setup xdebug with docksal and VSCode there is not much to do. Make your debug profile with info like this
After installing xdebug as extension to VS Code there is simple config you need to do to make it work with DrupalVM and debug. Create debug profile in standard VS code way and add this
Some people like to load blocks in drupal 7 like this
Updating drupal commerce is still a bit messy, per docs here you need to run all of this to have any chance of updating
This are default mysql docksal settings.
This is just a standard .lando file recipe you can use to get you started
So file synching is a pain int he ass on MacOS so I made some tests with "wrk" tool to see what is what and how much request per second can each config handle. I started with install.php on D8 site as it is more about file and less about database and caching. Tool was used with this config (30s of requests)
There are different ways in which we can run our PHPUnit tests. We can either run a full unit test, a test suite or one specific test as shown in following commands:
To run all the tests available from the custom modules directory: