Installing phpmyadmin to VPS/linux

You can manipulate your users and databases with SSH access, but then again its nicer and easier on the brain to make it trough visual interface (for most, some will probably work it faster in prompt). But for that you still need to install phpmyadmin through lines of SSH access.

Extracing tar files (without and with gzip or bzip) on Linux

When importing data you will probably be extracting or unpacking a tarball File
To unpack or extract a tar file, type:

tar -xvf file.tar

To save disk space and bandwidth files are saved using compression program such as gzip or bzip2. To extract / unpack a .tar.gz (gzip) file, enter (note -z option):

Archiving your files for migration /with folder exclussion

If you need to archive your files and you want to exclude some folders, for example "files" folder or some subfolders of files. You can use gzip for it

tar --exclude=sites/default/files/* --exclude=cache/* -cf file.tar . && gzip file.tar

And you will have a nice zip archive without folders you maybe don't want to transfer.

VPS LAMP stackscript additional settings to make it work

If you have some stackscript, like you might have on VPS like Linode, where you have automaticly installed some linux distribution like Debian, and then Apacher, PHP and MySQL are also installed, this will not work out of the box, you will still need to add some extra stuff on your VPS so you could install some drupal sites.

Multilanguage(i18n) Taxonomy and URL aliases with pathauto

Well you want to use i18n taxonomy and have nice site, that is optimized for SEO and for viewers. Well you will have problems, here are some solutions depending on the which type of multilanguage option you choose for your taxonomy

Translating paths

I have got this panel, that has the same content for both English and Croatian. But I want to have custom path for each of them, so that address bar doesn't say something on Croatian when user interface is in English.

Simplenews SCS - Simplenews Content Selection

As i mention before in simplenews template you need to make table layout for it to work in all email readers, so if You are using this module, for selecting content of your newsletters, you might need this. I made and overide of template functions of SCS to make them how I wanted them to look so this is what I added to template.php