Assume we have a $node object and it has some reference field, we get to that field with
where we get array of entites we can loop now, se lets say this reference field is even paragraph which has another reference field in it which is taxonomy term, we will loop this field like this
foreach ($node->get($field)->referencedEntities() as $enty){
$term = Term::load($enty->$field_in_paragraph->target_id);
$name = $term->getName();
here we loop paragraph, which has array of 2 Tax Term values, we get the ID of them with target_id and then load Term with that ID, after that we can get name of the ID with getName()
This could be also done without Term specific methods, like this
foreach ($node->get('field_event')->referencedEntities() as $enty){
$entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage("taxonomy_term")->load($enty->field_event_time->target_id);
$name = $entity->getName();