Quick database variable check

With devel/php you can go to some site and quickly found out value of some variable in DB that might concern you. So to do that you can go and write

Placholders in t('')

This one is easily overlooked but pretty important, strings in translation function can have arguments that can be replaced in 3 ways.

$text = t("This is !name's website", array('!name' => $username));
$text = t("This is @name's website", array('@name' => $username));
$text = t("This is %name's website", array('%name' => $username));

Truncate all cache tables with drush or code


echo "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'cache%'" | $(drush sql-connect) | tail -n +2 | xargs -L1 -I% echo "TRUNCATE TABLE %;" | $(drush sql-connect) -v

Here's how to do this from the command line...