How to load an order entity

If you wan to get some info from ORDER entity there is a method to do that.  We can do that by loading by some property or by loading order per ID

SSL on DrupalVM with Nginx, creating self-signed certificate

To setup SSL on DrupalVM with self-signed certificate you need a few commands and to change config, choose a place where you will store your certificates and then run first

sudo openssl genrsa -out "devcert.key" 2048

then do the

Order life cycle in drupal commerce

Drupal commerce has rather good documentation for D8 commerce but I will try to summarise here how each order is made, what it needs to be completed and what goes on in lifespan of an order.
So lets start by order entity it self, check

CheckoutController and formPage method, troubles with checkout flow

If you are having any problems with checkout flow (designing custom checkout flow or new payment gateway) check in 


and see formPage method, debug it and you can track what is step sent from URL, what is step set in order and do they match and adjust accordingly when needed.

Delete all user carts from particular user

If for some reason your commerce site gets stuck while in development with some bad data for user cart, to get rid of all the carts you can fire this code to delete all the carts for that user (probably admin or user 1)

Docker-sync commands

To start docker sync in foreground and see what is actually synching use this

docker-sync start --foreground

to do one time synch, use this

docker-sync sync


Docksal and VSCode and Xdebug

To setup xdebug with docksal and VSCode there is not much to do. Make your debug profile with info like this