Every now and then i need to make some custom output of a block, either in some page.tpl.php file or in a drupal interface custom block, either way you can get it with module_invoke function
Every now and then i need to make some custom output of a block, either in some page.tpl.php file or in a drupal interface custom block, either way you can get it with module_invoke function
Importing dates like date of birth dosen't work with User import module. There is a clever patch with UI options for setting it up under user import configuration that can be found here but for users that want that patched already applied we provide it down below for download.
Many have encountered this unicode/utf encoding problems in their programming life. It is just a drag to make it right and without knowing all the stuff around it and understanding it you will have bugs and problems. You will usually import data to drupal with CSV files. It's fine until you start using non english alphabet.
If using user import module for drupal you could run into problems of delimiters. By default it uses comma and not much better solution which is semicolon, here is a patched filed that has constant on top if you want to change it manually
Before we learned how to print node variables now lets see how to get all variables that are present on page
Building a node with viewfield cck and need some setup tips? Viewfield provides great setup options, you can set default values and also send any token value to it %nid, %tid etc. But sometimes you will need to make some extra code for passing arguments.
Viewfield or reference views. Which to use? Well viewfield is a module where you add CCK filed and you can choose which view you want to have for this field to show. This can be default or can be overridden on node edit form.
Form Block module enables you to create nodes from block, so you can have some text and under it block for entering data for node type lets use "tips".
You installed your CKEditor and IMCE but there is only image dialogue on your node edit screen and you want to add plain file link.