Thinking of implementing mass email to Drupal as you want to sent emails to your registered user? There are several options you could go with.
Thinking of implementing mass email to Drupal as you want to sent emails to your registered user? There are several options you could go with.
We just changed what is published to Facebook in last post, lets do the same for twitter.
There is one and only one module you should use when using facebook integration with drupal its Drupal for Facebook(DFF). It has many features but its also a bit harder to setup and use.
If you are using Taxonomy Node to have additiona data for your taxonomy you are in for supprise if you go to term page and see "There are currently no posts in this category." message. Other then this, module works fine. To solve this problem, use views and activate default taxonomy_term view and make some eddits.
So yo want to have additional data for your taxonomy term, maybe even a full blown node. There are 2 good solution
This code will be often used if you want to pass current node taxonomy term to view to list some other nodes, for example to have a list of similar nodes, nodes with same term. Choose taxonomy term:ID and write thise code down. We load current nodes data and get term ID from key of term.
You often have to print out node variables to see what you need to do. There are few ways to do that, before i used Drupal Themer for doing this which is part of Devel module. But this is very slow module and it takes a lot of time to load so i am not using it anymore. You can either use dpm function from devel module to dump something to screen nicely or just using plain old
When you are importing user with Drupal, you probably do it with user import module, but you'll probably have a list of uses without any email or with duplicate emails, in this module its hardcoded that one email is used per person.
It is the shared email module, that is the answer. As drupal permits one email per user, for testing purpose or site building with many users who didn't give you email address, this is very useful module.
Fastest way i found to make small changes on your site is to use FTP program like FileZilla. Then you just go to file you want to edit and click view/edit. File is downloaded locally and opened in your default (or the one you set in FileZilla) editor.