There is a good guide how to make custom login here
There is a good guide how to make custom login here
If your mysql server won't start in MAMP you should run
sudo killall -9 mysqld
and this will probably make it run again.
So this is not the cleanest thing possible and maybe some views filter should be made but I created it mostly for the purpose of adding extra button to search a search api index data with user current location.
Facets work fine and by design they narrow down the search results with each facet option you click. But what happens when you want to make them work differently. Some of that can be achived with changing opearator to OR in facet settings. But in this case with search api location module this doesn't work, not sure is it a bug or by design but I solved that with creating my own facet block.
Currently if you use SOLR for search and deploy it with search API module you can index Title field as fulltext so you can make better use of it and find parts of it when searching. But then you can't sort by title in search api sorts module, what to do? Well use
I'll try to make this quick. Installing xdebug for drupal is the same as installing it for anything else like wordpress etc
if (og_is_member('node', $current_group->nid , 'user', $account)) {
Seems that lates og_is_member needs 4 parametars when checking if user is part of the group, not 3 like it is written in most posts online, so you can get it like above.
You can create VBO actions that can do something for you but for a quick solution and one time actions you can use "Execute arbitrary PHP script" and there you have $entity and $context object that you get one per each line of yout VBO view.
Views has many options. You can change styling and structure of rows of data in interface of with templates. When I first started using views I choose templates, partly also because of not so much power in UI, but now you can do almost anything with UI. But after using UI, I would still recommend templates.
This has been a long wish for me. Sync databases online and on localhost.
There is an add on for drush that does that