After using views slideshow and jCarousel (and not so happy the way they work, mostly in theming department) there are new players in town and they are even responsive. Also easy to theme and easy to setup.
After using views slideshow and jCarousel (and not so happy the way they work, mostly in theming department) there are new players in town and they are even responsive. Also easy to theme and easy to setup.
I know Sass and Less are major improvements in Css coding, but setting all this up is a drag. I was using Omega 4 and to style it we need to use Sass coding. There are enough resources out there, but they are often limited to some special use case scenario and as there are many components to make it work you will have problems when trying to set it up. I just really like that RFP (Request for Proposal) was done online and you can access all the documents on that link and see how professional RFP should be made and what project documentation should every project have (as many don't have).
I had a form without this "name" parametar, and without that parametar there is just no file object in validate function for file upload
To delete/edit selected rows from tableselect and have something to work in in form_state you should add keys to your array in your form like:
Setting a session in Drupal is easy, everything is set from the Drupal boostrap, all you need to do is to set it and get it. Like
$_SESSION['zip'] = $form_state['values']['zip_code'];
and latter you just get value on some page like
$view_filters['field_zip_range']['value'] = $_SESSION['zip'];
function custom_views_pre_view(&$view) {
if ($view->name === 'pricing') {
$view_filters = $view->display_handler->get_option('filters');
$view_filters['field_zip_range']['value'] = $_SESSION['zip_code'];
$overrides = array();
$overrides['filters'] = $view_filters;
foreach ($overrides as $option => $definition) {
You can alter views, alter queries and much more. Problem with documentation online is that is lacking some crucial information.
Currently I am using a for my modal forms, that use CTools and its form dialogs for nice overlay forms (well not so nice, they look ugly as hell, but you can theme things :) ).
Sometimes you will have a WSOD and nothing to show for. One simple solution to get what is a problem is to insert the following lines into the Drupal's index.php, that should set PHP to report all errors.