If you want to wipe out current search index, because you maybe made custom search module to quickly wipe out search tables run this into devel/php and you are starting from scratch
If you want to wipe out current search index, because you maybe made custom search module to quickly wipe out search tables run this into devel/php and you are starting from scratch
If you need to check something quickly with devel module. You can use db_query and put any sql command in it. Like
$query = db_query("SELECT * FROM `block` WHERE `delta` LIKE 'main_menu' ORDER BY `theme` DESC"); foreach($query as $result) { dpm($result); }
and dpm results to see what are the values.
Had a task of copying all the settings from one theme to the other, bock placings and configuration to do that this code snnipet run with drush solved it
drush sql-query "DELETE FROM block WHERE theme = 'some_theme_2'"
Run in drush list of views preprocess functions
drush --root=/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/site-epic php-eval "var_dump(array_keys(views_theme()));"
With devel/php you can go to some site and quickly found out value of some variable in DB that might concern you. So to do that you can go and write
Nice little code that will check your site_deployment.install file and run drush dbup to update your site with deployment changes.
When you deploy something to a site, you will most probably use features. To use featutes with hook_update_N you can use default
This one is easily overlooked but pretty important, strings in translation function can have arguments that can be replaced in 3 ways.
$text = t("This is !name's website", array('!name' => $username));
$text = t("This is @name's website", array('@name' => $username));
$text = t("This is %name's website", array('%name' => $username));
I wanted to make 2 features with the same view, but different setting, what was odd was once I had created one, the other didn't list in feature components list. I tried many things but in the end it appears that this is a "feature" of features, a not so nice one I might add.
zcat /Users/Marko/Downloads/file.sql.gz | mysql -u 'root' -p'password' your_database
just drop this line in your linux or mac and fill data you need to fill and wait :) or this for gz files
gunzip < /Users/Marko/Downloads/mydb.sql.gz | mysql -u root -p mydb
or for ZIP files