When I want to find something in GIT and see who and when removed some code I start to search GIT, best command combo is this.
git log -S "$location['country_code']" -p
For current branch
When I want to find something in GIT and see who and when removed some code I start to search GIT, best command combo is this.
git log -S "$location['country_code']" -p
For current branch
echo "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'cache%'" | $(drush sql-connect) | tail -n +2 | xargs -L1 -I% echo "TRUNCATE TABLE %;" | $(drush sql-connect) -v
Here's how to do this from the command line...
and you will get all the info you will need, like proper machine names.
To alter the form output we need to use form alter and overide array. We are going to add few options to filters that group filter options together, in this case we are dealing with list of countries.
It is said here in docs api you can add JS file to some other region then header of footer https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21common.inc/function/drupal…
To to that you need to assign it to that region but also add it in html/page preprocess
Disabling Generate automatic URL alias is not possible with configuration, this needs to be done with code.
In hook_form_alter we call
// Render permission overview:
$options = array();
foreach (module_list(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) as $module) {
if ($permissions = module_invoke($module, 'permission')) {
// List only the modules that have permissions.
This is a helper function when order is locked, validation fails and status cant be changes.
$order = commerce_order_load('219215');
commerce_order_status_update($order, 'pending', FALSE, FALSE);
This is a helper function when order is locked, validation fails and status cant be changes.
$order = commerce_order_load('219215');
commerce_order_status_update($order, 'pending', FALSE, FALSE);
watchdog('debug',kprint_r($var, TRUE, NULL));