How many modules

Often you can see if drupal site is bloated with modules if you just check how many of them are enabled, you can do this quickly with mysql command.

select name from system 
where type = 'module' and status = 1 
order by name;

Localhost Error 101 in admin section

So you bring your site on localhost for some testing or faster developing and then you get not accessable admin section? Somehow drupal has problem with this and "check update module", so what you need to do is disable it.

Colorbox and video (you tube, vimeo....)

Adding colorobox to link is not so hard. You need to follow module instructions and it will work, just be careful to add EMBED code to URL, not just plain link. For example when adding You Tube video do this

Microdata for voteing modules

Well the year is 2012 and you must use microdata, there is a microdata module for drupal 7, but if you are still at drupal 6 you will need to customize. I have been using vote up/down module for my ratings so I needed to change template file of the module to add this microformats to node display so I added this code at the end of widget.tpl.php

Node export tips and problems

Currently I am moving nodes from one domain to other, with many images and cck fields. Problem I have other then browser timing out on large files when uploded through node export module is that also on smaller files, with few nodes seems that module sometimes works and sometimes doesnt. What I realized is that if you quickly select code to paste or export file, importing breaks.

Drupal massive comment enable

When you enable, or dissable commenting in drupal, you will only affect new nodes, there is no bulk action for this in core (but it should be in my opinion, not every damn useful functionality does have to be in separate module). There are few ways to do it, some proper way would be to built action and then run VBO on nodes, but this is the most time consuming for sure.

Filefield paths best practices

Recently I had a site with +30 000 images, they were all in default drupal folder /files and ofcourse this started to make problems for my server but also if I wanted to manually do something, delete a file or use it this made that directroy unusable. So filefield paths (which should be in core) helps here.

Multilanguage(i18n) Taxonomy and URL aliases with pathauto

Well you want to use i18n taxonomy and have nice site, that is optimized for SEO and for viewers. Well you will have problems, here are some solutions depending on the which type of multilanguage option you choose for your taxonomy

Simplenews SCS - Simplenews Content Selection

As i mention before in simplenews template you need to make table layout for it to work in all email readers, so if You are using this module, for selecting content of your newsletters, you might need this. I made and overide of template functions of SCS to make them how I wanted them to look so this is what I added to template.php