Simplenews template

This one is a drag to make. Very bad documentation and even less examples. Anyway what you need to do is go to module folder of simplenews and copy from subfolder "theme" files like simplenews-newsletter-body.tpl.php, simplenews-newsletter-footer.tpl.php to your default theme folder and edit them there. And what you need to do is make most of the html.

Database repair with phpMyAdmin

Sometimes your drupal DB will have problems, and it will cause slow queries, especially when having many nodes. Log to you phpMyAdmin and select all tables in DB and click optimize or repair, this could fix many problems and make your site run smooth again.

Webform block redirect page

You hate it when webform block redirects to webform page and your visitor loses the page he/she was on when submiting form. Well you can sort this out.

Checking variables - actions for VBO and other modules

If you are creating some actions for VBO module, so you can do some operations on fields over view. You would probably first check what is there to fetch in object you are using. So for example to get a listing of user objects variables you make this submodule

User terms mass change

User terms module is best module for user taxonomy terms you can have in drupal 6. Mostly it works as it should and there is no lack of functionality. However, if you want to bulk change user terms, you are out of luck, VBO doesnt work with it so you have to do this manually.

Imagecache external add-on

There is a good module imageache external that creates variants of images from external links, it's in sort of API mode as you have to code to use it. Also for purpose of FBSMP module I am using with it and better SEO, I changed how it works and made it possible to have image filename correspond to status which is third parametar in

Drupal Clean-URL's don't work

I just had a stupid problem, had a drupal installation in subfolder and there is much info how to solve this on the official clean-url page, but this problem isn't there. Sometimes when you copy files to windows and then copy it back to linux .htaccess will lose it's dot and then clean-urls and something else might not work but you won't notice it because you don't look for it.

Views Send - mailing logs

Views Send is a great module for mass sending of mails/messages, kind of like newsletter but you can use whole power of views and VBO module, which gives you great flexibility.

Modal Frame - close modalframe by clicking outside frame

Nice JS code to add to your theme when using modal frames is this one. Closes window when you click outside the frame.

    /* close the modal box when the user clicks outside its bounds */
    $('.ui-widget-overlay').live('click', function(e){

Views Fluid Grid - jQuery Masonry Fix for images

There is a great module currently to simulate pinterest tiles on drupal views. Unfortionatly it's not properly maintaind and most import thing, image tileing is currently not working.